Homelessness and Young Children: Dealing with Trauma
This course will help participants to define homelessness according to the McKinney-Vento definition and to discover how being homeless affects the child’s health and development. Participants will also be provided guidance strategies to support young children experiencing homelessness.
Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (n.d.). Resources available from: www.vanderbilt.edu/csfel
Homelessness and Young Children: Dealing with Trauma
- Helping Children Heal From the Trauma of Being Homeless Pre-Test
- Introduction
- Learning Objectives
- The New Face of Homelessness
- Causes of Homelessness
- Effects of Homelessness
- What Can You Do?
- Building Strong Relationships
- Building Confidence
- Framing Problematic Behavior
- Not Running From Difficulties
- Wrapping Up
- Helping Children Heal From the Trauma of Being Homeless Post Test
- Oklahoma DHS Registry Information for Helping Children Heal From the Trauma of Being Homeless