Family Child Care Home Entry Level Training

Introduction to Course

Welcome to Family Child Care Home Entry Level Training. This course will introduce you to the basics of being a family child care home operator.

Course Objectives

After taking this course you will be able to:

  • Explain how to begin a child care business and how to adjust to the demands of providing child care in your home
  • Define developmentally appropriate practice and describe how to implement it in your child care program
  • Identify ways to plan your program to meet the needs of children
  • Recognize methods to create productive relationships with children and their families
  • Recall licensing requirements for family child care homes and indicate ways to meet the health, safety, and nutritional criteria
  • Explain the importance of professional development and discuss how to hire qualified staff

This course is designed to give you a broad overview of how to operate a child care business out of your home. It will also provide tools and resources on different topics to expand your knowledge of child care.

The course will include quizzes to check your understanding of the material. These quizzes allow you to see the areas in which you are knowledgeable. They also show you areas for improvement. Please read the questions carefully and select the best answer. At the end of each unit there is a test that covers content from all of the lessons in the unit.

Course Material:

  • Online Chapters
  • Flash Presentations
  • Quizzes and Tests