Protected: Entry Level Child Care Training
(ELCCT) Chapter 1
(ELCCT) Chapter 2
- Chapter 2 Objectives
- Child Care as a Profession
- Child Care as a Profession II
- Definition of Child Care
- Child Care Options
- Licensing
- Purpose and Policy of the Law
- Characteristics of Quality Child Care Programs
- Characteristics of Quality Child Care Programs II
- Quality Criteria
- Responsibilities of a Child Care Teachers
- Characteristics of Effective Child Care Teachers
- Characteristics of Effective Child Care Teachers II
- Characteristics of Effective Child Care Teachers III
- Characteristics of Effective Child Care Teachers IV
- Professionalism in Child Care
- Professionalism in Child Care II
- Professionalism in Child Care III
- Professionalism in Child Care IV
- Professionalism in Child Care V
- Professionalism in Child Care VI
- Rewards and Challenges Associated with Child Care Careers
- Demands Associated with Child Care Careers
- Careers in Child Care
- Chapter 2: Final
(ELCCT) Chapter 3
- Chapter 3 Objectives
- Child Growth and Development
- The Meaning of Child Development
- Reasons to Study Child Development
- Sources of Current Information on Child Development
- Principles of Human Growth and Development
- Areas of Human Growth and Development
- Areas of Human Growth and Development II
- Areas of Human Growth and Development III
- Areas of Human Growth and Development IV
- Areas of Human Growth and Development V
- Areas of Human Growth and Development VI
- Areas of Human Growth and Development VII
- Areas of Human Growth and Development VIII
- Chapter 3: First
- Relationship of Play to Child Development
- Relationship of Play to Child Development II
- Relationship of Play to Child Development III
- Chapter 3: Second
- Reasons for Observing and Recording Children’s Behavior
- Reasons for Observing and Recording Children’s Behavior II
- Reasons for Observing and Recording Children’s Behavior III
- Guidelines for Observing Children
- Recording Observations
- Recording Observations II
- Definition of Assessment
- Assessment Portfolio
- Chapter 3: Final
(ELCCT) Chapter 4
- Chapter 4 Objectives
- Guiding Children
- Guiding Children II
- Factors Affecting Behavior
- Direct Guidance
- Direct Guidance II
- Positive Guidance
- Chapter 4: First
- Indirect Guidance
- Indirect Guidance II
- Indirect Guidance III
- Promoting Appropriate Behavior
- Expectations For Children’s Behavior
- Setting Limits
- Chapter 4: Second
- Handling Conflict
- Handling Conflict II
- Handling Conflicts III
- Handling Conflicts IV
- Handling Conflict V
- Chapter 4: Third
- Handling Conflict VI
- Handling Conflict VII
- Handling Conflict VIII
- Handling Conflict IX
- Causes of Tension
- Responding to Inappropriate Behavior
- Responding to Inappropriate Behavior II
- Responding To Inappropriate Behavior III
- Responding to Inappropriate Behavior IV
- Responding to Inappropriate Behavior V
- Responding to Inappropriate Behavior VI
- Responding to Negative Behavior VII
- Responding to Inappropriate Behavior VIII
- Chapter 4: Final
(ELCCT) Chapter 5
- Chapter 5 Objectives
- Developmentally Appropriate Practice
- Definition of Developmentally Appropriate Practice
- Definition of Developmentally Appropriate Practice II
- Definition of Developmentally Appropriate Practice III
- Definition of Developmentally Appropriate Practice IV
- Guidelines for Developmentally Appropriate Practice
- Guidelines for Bias-Free Learning Centers
- Guidelines for Bias-Free Learning Centers II
- Guidelines for Bias-Free Learning Centers III
- Guidelines for Bias-Free Learning Centers IV
- Chapter 5: First
- Developmentally Appropriate Practice for Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers, and School-age Children
- Developmentally Appropriate Practice for Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers, and School-age Children II
- Developmentally Appropriate Practice for Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers, and School-age Children III
- Developmentally Appropriate Practice for Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers, and School-age Children IV
- Developmentally Appropriate Practice for Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers, and School-age Children V
- Chapter 5: Second
- Guidelines for Working with Children with Special Needs I
- Guidelines for Working with Children with Special Needs II
- Creating an Inclusive Environment
- Concepts Related to Special Needs
- Ways to Analyze Children’s Books for Appropriateness
- Chapter 5: Final
(ELCCT) Chapter 6
- Objectives
- Guiding Children’s Health
- Promoting Good Health
- Promoting Good Health II
- Promoting Good Health III
- Promoting Good Health IV
- Promoting Good Health V
- Promoting Good Health VI
- Promoting Good Health VII
- Promoting Good Health VIII
- Promoting Good Health IX
- Promoting Good Health X
- Promoting Good Health XI
- Chapter 6: First
- Preventing Illness
- Preventing Illness II
- Preventing Illness III
- Preventing Illness IV
- Preventing Illness V
- Preventing Illness VI
- Preventing Illness VII
- Preventing Illness VIII
- Preventing Illness IX
- Children’s Emotional Health
- Children’s Emotional Health II
- Chapter 6: Second
- Teacher’s Health
- Teacher’s Health II
- Special Health Conditions
- Special Health Conditions II
- Chapter 6: Third
(ELCCT) Chapter 7
- Objectives
- Handling Emergencies
- Handling Emergencies II
- Responding to Emergencies
- Responding to Emergencies II
- Responding to Emergencies III
- Responding To Emergencies IV
- Responding to Emergencies V
- Liability in Child Care
- Liability in Child Care II
- Handling Child Abuse as an Emergency
- Handling Child Abuse as an Emergency II
- Chapter 7: First
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome II
- Chapter 7: Second
(ELCCT) Chapter 8
- Objectives
- Guiding Children’s Safety
- Guiding Children’s Safety II
- Guiding Children’s Safety III
- Guiding Children’s Safety IV
- Safety Objectives for Child Care
- Written Safety Policy
- Indoor Safety
- Indoor Safety II
- Chapter 8: First
- Outdoor Safety
- Safety for Specific Situations
- Fire Safety
- Fire Safety II
- Fire Safety III
- Weather or Disaster Preparedness
- Transportation Safety
- Field Trip Safety
- Teaching Children About Safety
- Teaching Children About Safety II
- Teaching Children About Safety III
- Maintaining A Safe Environment
- Maintaining a Safe Environment II
- Review Safety Objectives For Child Care
- Chapter 8: Second
(ELCCT) Chapter 9
- Entry Level Child Care Training Final Exam
- Objectives
- Communication
- Communication II
- Methods of Communication
- Nonverbal Communication
- Nonverbal Communication II
- Verbal Communication
- Verbal Communication II
- Verbal Communication III
- Listening Skills
- Listening Skills II
- Modeling Good Communication Skills
- Communicating with Children
- Communicating with Parents
- Communicating with Parents II
- Communicating with Parents III
- Chapter 9: First
- Communication of Staff
- Communication of Staff II
- Record Keeping in Child Care
- Director’s Point of View
- Record Keeping in Child Care II
- Recording Keeping in Child Care III
- Chapter 9: Second
- Values and Ideals Printable PDF
- Oklahoma DHS Registry Information for ELCCT