Homelessness and Young Children: Education and Services
This course is for administrators of early childhood centers. It will provide them with information and best practices to facilitate collaboration between child care programs and community organizations to increase the provision of services to families with young children experiencing homelessness.
Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (n.d.). Resources available from: www.vanderbilt.edu/csfel
Homelessness and Young Children: Education and Services
- It Takes a Village: Providing Education & Services for Homeless Children Pre-Test
- Introduction
- Learning Objectives
- The New Face of Homelessness
- Causes of Homelessness
- Effects of Homelessness
- Community Collaboration
- Partnering With Families
- Reducing Barriers to Enrollment
- Wrapping Up
- What Can You Do?
- It Takes a Village: Providing Education & Services for Homeless Children Post Test
- Oklahoma DHS Registry Information for It Takes a Village: Providing Education and Services to Homeless Children