Lesson Planning with ELG
- Lesson Planning with ELGs - $20.00
Learning Guidelines for School-Age Children
- Learning Guidelines for School-Age Children - $20.00
Disability Awareness
- Disability Awareness: Creating Welcoming Spaces - $20.00
Infant Mental Health
- Infant Mental Health - $20.00
Reducing the Risk of SIDS/SUID (2023)
Hope in the Classroom
- Hope in the Classroom - $20.00
Continuous Quality Improvement
- Continuous Quality Improvement - $20.00
Prudent Parenting
Literacy In Action: Learning to Read through the Environment
- Literacy In Action: Learning to Read through the Environment - $25.00
4 clock hours (0.4 CEUs) - Concepts of print refers to children's knowledge of the functions of print and how print works. In order to understand how print works children should be exposed to print concepts on a daily basis. Print concepts can be used with all age groups.
Literacy In Action: Shared Reading
- Literacy In Action: Shared Reading - $25.00
4 clock hours (0.4 CEUs) - Shared reading is a classroom strategy in which a teacher reads a book with enlarged print and encourages children to read along on parts they can remember or predict. Shared reading models the reading process and draws children's attention to print concepts and letter knowledge.