
  • Homelessness and Young Children: Education and Services

    13 Lessons

      3 clock hours (0.3 CEUs) - This course is for administrators of early childhood centers. It will provide them with information and best practices to facilitate collaboration between child care programs and community organizations to increase the provision of services to families with young children experiencing homelessness.

    • Let's Get Physical: Movement and the Young Child

      26 Lessons

        3 clock hours (0.3 CEUs) - In this course, we will learn how to incorporate moderate to vigorous physical activity in early learning environments, both indoor and outdoor.

      • Literacy in Action: Developmental Writing

        14 Lessons
        • Literacy In Action: Developmental Writing - $25.00

        4 clock hours (0.4 CEUs) - Teachers play a critical role in emergent writing. This class will explore the essential components of developmental writing as well as interactive strategies that promote positive experiences with writing. Participants will also learn ways to incorporate daily writing experiences throughout the preschool classroom.

      • Meeting the Challenge: Effective Strategies for Dealing With Challenging Behavior in School-Age Children

        16 Lessons

          3 clock hours (0.3 CEUs) - This course will provide school-age providers with the skills they need to manage a child's feelings that cause them to act out. They will be taught guidance skills that teach children how to get along with others, how to express their feelings with words, and how to problem solve in a positive way.

        • Out-of-School Time Entry Level Training (OST-ELT)

          106 Lessons
          • Out-of-School Time Entry Level Training (OST-ELT) - $20.00

          20 clock hours – This course is an entry level instruction to working with children in out-of-school time settings like after school programs or summer camps. Generally, children in this setting are three years old and older and are currently enrolled in or have completed pre-kindergarten. Participants will learn about effective communication and positive interactions with the children in their care as well as how to plan and develop appropriate activities and learning environments.

        • Positive Guidance: Helping Children Learn Self-Discipline

          13 Lessons

            3 clock hours (0.3 CEUs) - This course will provide participants with knowledge on a relationship-based approach to prevent and manage challenging behavior more effectively, creating a more enjoyable learning environment. The goal of positive guidance is to develop children's self-control, encourage children to assume responsibility, and assist children in making thoughtful decisions.