Literacy In Action: Alphabet Knowledge
- Literacy In Action: Alphabet Knowledge - $25.00
4 clock hours (0.4 CEUs) - When alphabet knowledge is embedded into everyday instruction, children will be able to name and write alphabet letters, recognize letter symbols in print, and know that letters have sounds. Laying this foundation will ensure that children will have the necessary literacy skills to build upon for future reading success.
Literacy in Action: Creating Literacy Rich Environments
- Literacy in Action: Creating Literacy Rich Environments - $25.00
4 clock hours (0.4 CEUs) - A literacy-rich environment is an environment that emphasizes the importance of language and literacy (language, print awareness, alphabet knowledge, writing, and phonological awareness) in the learning of all students and is embedded throughout the entire classroom. A literacy-rich environment is an environment in which appropriate materials have been selected in order to facilitate language and literacy opportunities for children.
Preventing Obesity and Promoting Wellness
- Obesity Awareness - $45.00
14 clock hours (1.4 CEUs) - Preventing obesity and promoting wellness in early childhood.
Entry Level Child Care Training
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Family Child Care Home Entry Level Training
- FHELT - $20.00
20 clock hours - This course is designed to give you a broad overview of how to operate a child care business out of your home. It will also provide tools and resources on different topics to expand your knowledge of child care.
Director's Entry Level Training Course
- Director's Entry Level Training (DELT) - $20.00
20 clock hours - The Director’s Entry Level Training Course (DELT). This is a 20 hour course introducing you to the responsibilities and duties of being a child care director. It will also assist you in becoming an efficient and effective leader.
Addressing Challenging Behavior: Promoting Social and Emotional Health in Young Children
- Addressing Challenging Behavior: Promoting Social and Emotional Health in Young Children - $45.00
14 clock hours (1.4 CEUs) - Challenging behavior is one of the biggest issues early childhood educators face every day. Most often these behaviors are caused by challenges presented by the social and physical environment, yet often the approach is to "fix" the child rather than "fix" the factors that contribute to the behavior. This Turn-Key training program will provide the knowledge base and practical strategies teachers need to strive to minimize challenging behavior in the classroom.
Building Positive Relationships in the School-Age Classroom
3 clock hours (0.3 CEUs) - This course will show participants how to create a caring classroom community where children feel supported, safe, included and known in their school-age classrooms. School-age classrooms need to be active, engaging places where instruction centers on student thinking and where students are able to take risks and jump into learning at hand. The focus will be on showing participants how to provide rich opportunities to work together, grow ideas, revise children's thinking and construct meaning.
Conflict Resolution: Riding Through the Storm
3 clock hours (0.3 CEUs) - This course was designed to help prepare the child care provider deal with conflict in the early childhood program. A child care program can be a hectic and stressful environment, both for child care professionals and for parents of children enrolled in the facility. Established conflict resolution and dispute mediation policies, paired with good communication, can help ensure an open and healthy dialogue between all parties.
Cornerstones of Quality: Safety, Health and Nutrition
- Cornerstones of Quality: Safety, Health and Nutrition - $20.00
3 clock hours (0.3 CEUs) - In this course we will focus on how to create an environment that will keep infants and children safe and healthy in child care. Information is in aligned with new licensing requirements.